SFD Advent Calendar

Each day, witness firsthand how your generosity fuels our mission of providing exceptional Catholic education for our students. It is a testament to the impact of your donations.  

Friday, December 1

Rebecca embraces the opportunity to stop in the school Chapel to pray and find moments of quiet reflection amidst her busy day. It's a sanctuary where she connects with her faith and finds inner peace.

Be the Light of DeSales symbolizes our dedication to enhancing our school for the benefit of our students. Your ongoing support drives us to innovate and uphold DeSales as a beacon of Catholic educational excellence.

Saturday, December 2
Student Service Center

Three years ago, generous donations played a pivotal role in creating the Student Service Center, revolutionizing student experiences. Students have a new space for essential resources like academic counseling, wellness support, Campus Ministry, and flexible testing areas.

Be the Light of DeSales encompasses a powerful sentiment that guides our commitment to enhancing our school for our students' benefit. Your continued support fuels our drive to innovate and improve, ensuring that DeSales remains a beacon of Catholic educational excellence.

Sunday, December 3
First Sunday of Advent

“St. Francis DeSales gives me hope because I know that through our school, we can help our community and carry Christ’s light to those in need.”

 ~Afia, Class of 2027

Monday, December 4
Father Daughter Dance

Each year, girls eagerly anticipate the chance to escort their fathers to the Annual Father-Daughter Dance held at Villa Milano. Last night we held this cherished tradition, a tradition that stands as a testament to our unique culture.

Tuesday, December 5
Christmas Choir

The Annual Christmas Choir concert is a celebration of musical talent and community spirit, showcasing the dedication and hardwork of student performers. Your continuous support amplifies our commitment to excellence, nurturing an environment where creativity thrives, and traditions flourish.

Wednesday, December 6
Franciscan Loop - Lighting

The Franciscan Loop is officially complete and shining bright with brand new lights! The Franciscan Loop has played a big difference for our daily routines, especially during student drop-offs and pickups on the north side of the school. Not only does it make commuting smoother, but it also amps up accessibility and safety for all our students.

Thursday, December 7
Advent Reconciliation Service

Today our students are taking part in the Advent Reconciliation Service, embracing reflection, forgiveness, and renewal. Let's come together in this time of preparation, fostering a community of understanding and grace.

Friday, December 8
Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Today we gathered for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception at our All-School Mass, fostering unity and spiritual reflection among our students, faculty, and staff. This sacred gathering invites us to honor the blessedness of Mary and seek her intercession as we come together in prayer and gratitude. Let's embrace this sacred occasion as a community, reflecting on the purity and blessings brought forth by her immaculate conception.

Saturday, December 9
Band Concert

The SFD gym came alive with holiday magic as our amazing students stole the show at the Annual Christmas Band Concert! From classic carols to modern renditions, their musical performances spread joy and holiday cheer for our guests!

Sunday, December 10
Second Sunday of Advent

Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. The second Advent candle that we light represents PEACE.

We pray that the hope, peace, joy and love of this season will warm our hearts and brighten our way

Monday, December 11

Two years ago, we replaced the turf on our field in Alumni Stadium, ensuring a safer and better environment for our students to play and thrive. This accomplishment is part of our Be the Light Master Plan, a testament to our dedication to the school's mission and values.

Tuesday, December 12
Christmas in the Courtyard

Last night, our seniors brought joy and love to the children at St. Stephens Community House during the school’s annual Christmas in the Courtyard. The seniors made the event truly magical for the children—enjoying pizza, crafting, sharing laughter, and welcoming Santa. A heartfelt thank you to our seniors for their incredible generosity, spreading the spirit of giving, and making this holiday season an unforgettable one.

Wednesday, December 13
MoMM Foundation

Students took part in our annual Red & Green Dress Down Day and Pictures with Santa yesterday, with proceeds supporting the MoMM Foundation's Holiday Blessings program. Amidst all the fun of the season, students carry the true meaning of Christmas in their hearts, sharing Christ’s love, hope and joy with others.

Thursday, December 14
Classroom update/finals

Let's take a moment to acknowledge the importance of our collective efforts in providing the best resources and facilities for our students. Together, we create an environment where they can excel and thrive.

Wishing all our students the best of luck during finals!

Friday, December 15
Holy Family Courtyard

Two years ago, we completed the Holy Family Courtyard as part of our Be The Light Campus Master Plan. This serene space serves as a peaceful sanctuary, providing a tranquil environment for prayer and reflection that will endure for generations.

Saturday, December 16
Vocations Wall

With the support of a Class of '69 alumnus, our new Vocation Wall stands as a tribute to their commitment and an inspiration for our students. Dive deeper into their journeys from St. Francis DeSales High School to religious vocations - discover their stories and the profound impact of our community.

Sunday, December 17
Third Sunday of Advent

“Being at DeSales with my friends and teachers always brings me joy–they are so welcoming, supportive and loving.”

~Adam, Class of 2025

Monday, December 18
Faculty and Staff Christmas Luncheon-Cafeteria Expansion

Today, the faculty and staff came together to celebrate the joy of Christmas together, the eve before our students' final exams. As we anticipate a well-deserved holiday break, we're also excited about the future plans for our cafeteria as part of the Be the Light of DeSales Campus Master Plan. This transformation promises not only expanded space for students but a dynamic, engaging hub for our entire school community to thrive in – a true social center on campus!

Tuesday, December 19
Leaving for Christmas Break - Stallion Way

After conquering those final exams, our SFD student drivers are hitting Stallion Way for a well-deserved Christmas break! Two years ago, Stallion Way became a reality as part of the Be the Light of DeSales Master Plan, ensuring safer and more efficient daily commutes for our Stallions. This dedicated pathway has been a game-changer, providing a hassle-free entrance and exit exclusively for our students.

Wednesday, December 20
7am Mass on Fridays in the Chapel

It's a beautiful sight to witness our students, amidst their busy schedules, gathering in a spirit of togetherness and faith every Friday at 7 a.m. in our school's chapel for mass before school begins. This tradition is  where athletes, artists, scholars, and leaders unite, fostering a bond beyond their individual pursuits.  As the students come together in prayer and reflection, we strengthen our bond and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Thursday, December 21
The Mighty Pen

The Mighty Pen will be coming to mailboxes and inboxes soon!

Each year, The Mighty Pen chronicles the remarkable journey of our students, alumni, and faculty. From incredible achievements to inspiring stories, this magazine is a testament to the talent, dedication, and spirit of our St Francis DeSales family.

Friday, December 22
Student Council in the Little Theatre

Students took advantage of new state-of-the art audio visual equipment in the Little Theater before break, enjoying a Christmas movie together. To complete this space, donations from Be The Light will provide a new HVAC unit, adding air conditioning for the first time and updating the heating component in the Little Theater.

Saturday, December 23
Operation Christmas Child Service Project

Students in our World Language National Honor Society spread Christ’s light to children around the world, sending care packages filled with goodies and heartfelt messages through the Operation Christmas Child service project. Your continued support ensures that our school continues to develop students who hold the true meaning of Christmas in their hearts.

Sunday, December 24
Fourth Sunday of Advent

“I am blessed to have the opportunity to witness love at St. Francis DeSales everyday. The warm, welcoming love that each teacher brings into the classroom has strengthened my love for education, but most importantly it has strengthened my love for our faith.” ~Grace, Class of 2025